Advanced Intermediate Steroid Cycles
Anabolic Steroids – Stacks and Cycles
The following cycles are only for the truly advanced and should not be used by those who have not completed several smaller cycles successfully.
We have listed four cycles of an advanced nature, two suited for supreme off-season gains, one that is more of a lean bulker and one that is a pure cutting cycle. You will also find a great cutting cycle in the Advanced Cycle I link and it will be the Advanced Cycle I that is best for a competitive bodybuilder or one who is like minded.
If you believe you are ready for one of the following cycles you will have many cycles under your belt, supplemented with numerous anabolic steroids, 5 is a good number and have learned how to not only have successful cycles but ones in-which side-effects are controlled. Further, to be ready for an advanced cycle you will be one who is able to maintain more gains after a cycle than you lose. Some gains will always be lost after a cycle is complete, this is a given but maintaining a majority of your gains is possible. If this is not possible for you then you need to reexamine your use, your diet and perhaps even your training.
Advanced Cycle #2 B: Lean Bulking
Week 1-16, Testosterone Propionate: 200mg every other day
Week 1-12, Equipoise: 600mg per week
Week 8-16, Trenbolone Acetate: 100mg every other day
Week 1-16, HGH: 4iu every day
Week 1-16, Arimidex: 0.5mg every other day
Week 17-18, HCG: 1,000iu every day week 18 only 1st 3 days)
Week 18-22 Nolvadex: 40mg every day
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