Testosterone –
Buy Cheap Testosterone semi finished steroids oils online.Is our body’s main androgenic hormone. It is produced naturally by the testicles and is released from there into the circulation where it travels and interact with its target tissues throughout the body triggering its effect through a specific receptor which is called the androgen receptor. The androgen receptor is located on the cell’s membrane, it binds to the testosterone molecule, and together they enter the cell and there trigger different mechanisms which mainly synthesise new proteins.
Testosterone’s effects
Testosterone posses both androgenic and anabolic distinct properties in our body
Testosterone’s androgenic effects
Testosterone is responsible for the growth and development of male sexual organs (maturation of the prostate, seminal vesicles, penis and scrotum) and secondary sexual characteristics (male hair distribution (face, pubis, chest) as well as laryngeal development. Testosterone has also various target tissues in the brain, thus Testosterone enanthate has a role in masculine characteristics in the male’s behavior. This product enhances spatial perception and effects general mood and vitality. Testosterone makes us more competitive, socially dominant , assertive, and to some degree more aggressive. These androgenic traits contributes in many sport fields, and of course have their importance in daily functioning. However, we have to emphasize that multiple cross clinical studies have found NO association between high testosterone levels and violence.Buy Cheap Testosterone semi finished steroids oils online
Testosterone’s anabolic effects
– Testosterone triggers a wide spectrum of mechanism by which it supports building processes on different tissues
– Muscle tissue
Hypertrophy of muscle tisue
– It effects directly muscle tissue by triggering the synthesis of new proteins inside muscle cells, this increases the mess of existing muscle tissue (which is called hypertrophy), and is correlated and measured by increased nitrogen retention in the body
– It augments muscle mess by reducing catabolic processes in muscle cells (catabolic = break down). This is mainly achieved indirectly by hindering catabolic hormones effects on muscle tissue This mechanism contributes to hypertrophy of muscle tissue and reflects itself also in shifting up the nitrogen balance.
Proliferation (increases the number of muscle cells)
Testosterone was proven in various studies to increase muscle nuclei number as well as satellite cells number. The mechanism behind this seems to involve increased sensitivity to local growth factors, and up regulation of IGF1 (and other growth factors) receptors in muscle cells and their satellite cells (this is also referred to as testosterone autocrine effect on muscle tissue, this process requires presence of other hormones such as GH and IGF1)
– Mineral retention
Testosterone increases the retention of sodium, potassium, phosphorus, calcium and other minerals, this support different metabolic and anabolic processes of the body. Note that the mineral retention goes hand in hand with fluids retention both intracellular and extracellular. This feature also (partially) responsible on the increased water retention users experience during a testosterone usage. On the positive point of view intracellular water retention increases directly and indirectly muscle mess, while extracellular fluids retention increases blood flow to working muscles (which manifest itself in increased “pumps” during workout). Extracellular fluids may help in lubricating connective tissue. On the negative side it increases blood pressure and may cause edema which is also shown in more puffy look many users may experience especially if diet is not on check
– Bone formation
TestoFrom Enanthate increases bone formation and recuperation, and numerous studies have shown its contribution is fraction healing
Increased production of erythropoietin and erythrocytes
Testosterone augment erythropoietin and erythrocytes production which helps to enhance stamina and different recuperation processes.
-Testoform Anabolic:Androgenic ratio
As the primary natural androgen hormone in the body other anabolic-androgenic steroids are compared to it in order to asses their anabolic and androgenic effects. Hence for simplicity the testosterone’s anabolic effect is defined as 100 and its androgenic effect is 100 as well (steroids with lower androgenic effect will have androgenic rate of less then 100 and vise versa, and so concerning its anabolic effect)
What is the enathate role in the product ?
The testosdex-enathate-250 is absorbed from the injected location by local blood pillars and travels throughout the body in the blood circulation. The enanthate esters which is attached in the testosterone prevents it from being active while traveling in the serum. Certain enzyme is responsible on removing the enathate ester and by this frees the testosterone into its active form. The rate in which this process happens determines the paste the drug in its free form is released into the circulation (AKA pharmacokinetics). The Testosdex enanthate was developed as a slow acting agent, it’s half life is 4-5 days, it peaks after ±48 hours. and it stays active for about 10 days.
HRT (Hormone replacement therapy, also referred as TRT = Testosterone replacement therapy)
Testosterone is traditionally administrated due to different causes and diseases which lower,
hinder or inhibit natural testosterone production, this general condition is called hypogonadism. Normal levels, or more carefully should be said optimal levels,
are crucial as seen above to different functions of the human’s body. A variety of triggers and diseases may cause hypogonadism, among them eunuchoidism – an endocrine pathology in
which the reproductive organs in males are not fully developed, other triggers may
be illness or tumor which may all reflect themselves in lower testosterone production. However the most common cause for lower production of the hormone is aging – testosterone
levels decline with age, this process starts in the late 20s and early 30s in every male. It’s important to monitor and keep in check the testosterone levels, and if necessary bring them to normal.
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As a long acting therapy the testoFrom enanthate is well suited for this purpose. Average dosages will be 50-200mg per week taken by a week injection. Traditionally testosterone enathate is prescribed every 2-4 weeks,
but it’s proven that this intervals of injections is not enough to keep stable testosterone serum levels,
so weekly injections are necessary. In some cases an injection every 5-6 days will bring even better results. The exact dosage should be monitored both by lab test to support and
confirm appropriate serum levels, but certainly not less important is each individual subjective clinical response to the treatment. The normal testosterone levels are 8-28ng/ml,
for instance some individuals will response best to ± 15 level while with a higher
levels they will experience unwanted side effects, while other will respond better to higher levels. Trial and error is the key.
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